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Choosing a design mode

This guide applies to the and versions of Easy PV. The information provided here may not be accurate for and

When you first create a project you will get the choice of the which design mode you would like to use. In Easy PV there are four options, each with particular applications. 


3D studio 

  • Create 3D property model by designing the roof from a satellite image.
  • Model nearby buildings or trees that may cast shade on the roofs you're working on to get accurate shade analysis and improve the accuracy of the performance calculations. 

Magic BETA 

  • Create an automatic 3D design, it works out the height and pitch of buildings and identifies any obstructions. 
  • Three free magic designs per day for standard users and unlimited for Pro. 

Quick Roof 

  • Create 2D roof using dimensions, pitch, orientation and tile type, can also spec ground mount systems. 
  • Does not use satellite imagery so a good option if satellite map it out of date or you're working on a new build property or if the satellite image is too blurry.

Roof outline 

  • Create 2D roof model by outlining the roof from a satellite image. 
  • Uses satellite map imagery (so you will need to zoom into the map or fill in the address before selecting) so you can accurately model the roof based on the actual size of the property.