Use the search bar in the top left to search our FAQs.
If it your question is unanswered here, you can contact us at help@easy-pv.co.uk or help@easy-pv.ie.
Can I pay Easy PV to design a project for me?
No, this is not a service we offer at Easy PV, but if you’re struggling to use the software, you ...
How do I link my Midsummer Account to pull over my trade prices?
To link your Midsummer wholesale account, please follow this guide. If you do not yet have a Mi...
Can I do a retrofit project in Easy PV?
Yes, to create a quote for a retrofit project: Recreate the existing system in Easy PV with th...
Can I do commercial or industrial designs in Easy PV?
Yes, please note that Easy PV is currently optimised for domestic installs, but you can use it fo...
Can I do a battery-only project?
At the moment, this is not yet a supported feature. However, if you would like to quote a battery...
Custom components
If your problem is not addressed here, it likely will be covered in our detailed custom component...
Can I add components that aren't listed on Easy PV?
Yes, for instructions on how to add different components, please read our full component upload g...
I added a battery in ‘My Components’ but it isn’t showing up as an option in the Inverter task.
When you add a battery component, you must ensure that you have checked the appropriate checkbox ...
I added a hybrid inverter to ‘My Components’ but can’t add a battery to it in the Inverter Task.
If you are trying to use custom Hybrid Inverter and Battery components - you will need to make su...
I have added a new inverter in 'My Components', but I'm unable to allocate panels to its inputs. How do I fix this?
When you add an inverter and are having difficulty, you will need to navigate back to My Componen...
I can’t allocate my panels to an inverter - all the options are red.
When all of the allocation options are red, Easy PV has determined the panel/inverter combination...
Buildings, roof and panels task
Which design mode should I use?
Each design mode has benefits depending on the type of project or design you are working on, deta...
Does Magic design mode work in my area?
If you notice that Magic scanning isn't working for a customer's property, this is most likely be...
Can I upload a CAD file or design PDF to use when doing a design?
At the moment, this is not yet a supported feature. However, our developers are hard at work and ...
How can I adjust roof measurements in the Roof task?
To see the roof dimensions, click on the corner of the roof. This will show you the dimensions of...
Can I change the orientation of the panels on a flat roof?
Yes, you can. Horizontal and portrait panels will automatically be angled toward the “bottom” or ...
Performance and consumption task
A detailed guide on the consumption task can be found here.
Structural task
Financial task
For a full guide on the financial task in Easy PV see here.
Why are there two consumption figures to choose from in the financial task?
If you have completed both the MCS self-consumption calculation (end of the performance task) and...
Why do some of the financial savings appear to be different on the Customer Proposal and Easy PV Project Report?
Easy PV uses two different methods of calculating financial savings. 1) We do a basic calculatio...
The payback period is too long, how can I fix this?
There are a few things that can help with the payback period. The payback period is calculated by...
Customer proposal
My customer proposoal isn't loading - why?
If your report isn't loading, it's likely because Easy PV is missing some information it needs to...
How do I attach my logo/branding to the customer proposal or Easy PV project report?
To attach your Logo to the Easy PV Project Report please navigate to My Account in the top right ...
How do I hide line prices in the customer proposal?
Select Customer Proposal from the Tasks drop-down menu. In the section titled Quotation you can c...
I’ve done a 3D design, can I include the 3D preview in the customer proposal document?
Yes, select Customer Proposal from the Tasks drop-down menu. In the bottom section titled Overvie...