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Does Magic design mode work in my area?

If you notice that Magic scanning isn't working for a customer's property, this is most likely because Google have not performed LIDAR scanning in your area yet. You can check the map on this link to see a rough representation of the areas where this has been done in orange:

Magic design mode builds a 3D model of your customer's property, and surrounding buildings for you automatically. It does this by accessing 3D data gathered by Google with LIDAR scanning, stored on their Google Solar API. If you have seen Google Earth recently, you will have noticed this 3D data has also been used to create a 3D map of many cities around the world, as shown in the screenshot below.

3D google earth.jpg

LIDAR scanning is not done by satellites, but rather by aeroplanes, and as such its coverage is much less than the coverage of normal, 2D satellite imagery. Google plans to eventually expand the areas scanned in this way, but so far they have done a pretty good job of scanning the areas where most people live, i.e. urban centres.